1st Uddingston Girls’ Brigade
The Brigaders are for girls in secondary school,
they meet between 8.00pm and 9.30pm every
Thursday. Each week girls work towards their
Brigader triangle, as well as playing games, learning
new crafts and baking.
Each year in Brigaders you complete four topics which earns you 2 points for your Brigader Triangles and then your Brigader Brooch. This year we have been doing puppet story telling, jeans recycling, fundraising and hill walking for our badge work.
As well as working towards their brigader triangles girls also have an opportunity to work towards the Queens award and Duke of Edinburgh awards. Click on the awards page to find out more.
Our Uniform
Casual - Navy joggers, white polo shirt, royal blue, jumper,trainers
Formal - Navy skirt, white polo shirt, royal blue jumper, white socks, black school shoes, arm band and long hair tied up.
We also get a chance to do games
and craft on a company night.
Here are some pictures
from the last session.